An expert talk session by Sh. Krishan Kalra, a renowned speaker was delivered on the topic ‘Climate Change – Science, Effects & Mitigation Strategies’ on 1st Sept 2019 at the Mody University Campus. The session was delivered in a jam packed auditorium having an audience of more than 1000 students, faculty and guests.
The occasion witnessed presence of founder Chairman Sh. R. P. Mody, Shri S.S. Bhuwania and other senior official dignitaries of the University. The event began with the lighting of the lamp ceremony conducted by the hand of the Chief Guest, Sh. Krishan Kalra, Dr. V K Jain, Dean School of Engineering and Technology, Ms. Nishi Rana, Principal, Mody School and others. This was followed by Kulgeet of the University sung by the students.
While addressing the audience, Sh. Kalra brought in light various issues and aspects related to climate change, effects and mitigation strategies. He said, ‘We cannot give up the development for Climate change; the sustainability and development go hand in hand – there is a balance about it. Climate Change is not limited to one country but a challenge faced across the world. He discussed about the various changes happening across the globe in the climate due to human actions. He spoke about the value of Water and advised to be careful of wasting natural resources. He shared his views saying that Water can be one of the reasons for World crises. While discussing the solutions and mitigating strategies he suggested that we must focus on conservation & judicious usage of Water, Energy and Food (natural resources). He said that if each one of us take responsibility of planting and nurturing 10 tress, then world would be in a better condition than ever before.
Speaking on the occasion, founder Chairman Sh. R. P. Mody said that we are aware and committed towards environment sustainability at our green campus. All our initiatives are environment friendly and that is why our campus is home to more than 100 species of birds including Peacocks and migratory birds’ like Flamingoes who visit our campus. Sharing about the green campus experience he said that being at the newly constructed Bharat Muni Munch gives the joy and brings the nature’ music little more close to us.
The event concluded with the speech by Dean School of Engineering who delivered Vote of thanks to all the guests and audience.