It is been immense pleasure to announce that faculty of law has organized a Legal Aid Camp in Vidya Bharti Public School Sikar, on April 7 , 2015 to educate students about their rights and duties. The camp dealt with the most burning topic that is “Women Empowerment“.
The camp started with an enthusiastic and motivational speech of Ms. Ritavi Dhaked (B.A.LL.B., 4th year). Further it was continued by a skit which dealt with the problems of Female Feticide, Child Abuse (odd type of touching), Child Marriage, Eve teasing, Dowry Demand, Domestic Violence with a view to portray how a well aware and educated woman can stand-up for her rights and raise her voice against all odds.
The skit was followed by a motivational speech on “Women Empowerment” by Ms. Charu Jain & Ms. Ayushi Agaria.
The entire programme was concluded by inspiring words of Dr. Kalpana Sharma, Assistant Professor, FoL.
Student coordinators of the camp were Ms. Nitika Sharma, Ms. Swati Agarwal B.B.A.LL.B., 4th year and anchored by Ms. Neha Singh Parihar, Ms. Ritvi Dhakad
Our 40 students are participated in the whole programme, including distribution of pamphlet and display of posters on “Women Empowerment”.