With more lands around the world facing increasing deterioration and degradation, the United Nations General Assembly declared the United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight Against Desertification (UNDDD), to promote action that will protect the dry lands.
Mody University of Science and Technology has become a proud member of this prestigious global campaign UNDDD and Rio+21 IYWC. The sole purpose of this organization is to create awareness about the problem of land degradation, desertification and the need for land restoration along with emphasizing the role of sustainable development and water conservation. UNDDD kicked off this noble campaign on 2010 and will run this till 2020. This decade is an opportunity to make critical changes to secure the long-term ability of dry lands to provide value for well being of humanity.
Mody University got involved with this global fight from the year 2013. In this short term certificate course which emphasizes the role of sustainable development and water conservation, 29 students of Mody University participated in it. Ms. Kanika Mittal who is a final year student of Faculty of Engineering and Technology became the campus ambassador of this program. Based on their exemplary performance, all the students were awarded with UN certificates and Ms Apoorva Singh Dadhwal was adjudged as the best performer receiving the UNDDD medal. The award ceremony was held on 8th February, 2014 in the university campus and it was made special by the presence of the Dean and all the HOD’s of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology.
Mody University has successfully inculcated the resolution of this noble cause into the minds of the students to instil hope, to provoke thoughts and to inspire action through effective participation and meaningful commitments towards the world, so that future generations can also meet their food, water and energy needs, thus helping this world a far more better place to live.