Pilani Trip Report

1 1 Pilani Trip Report

Report on educational trip to Birla Science Museum, Pilani
A one day educational trip to Birla Science Museum (BSM), Pilani was organized on 8th
February 2018 by MUOSASC, the student chapter of OSA. At BSM student get the exposure to
the various models and experiments. Few are mentioned below:
1. Models and info chart on energy source and power plants.
2. A good number of models and simple experiments on basic physics.
3. A model of coal mines and minerals.
4. Information on various biology and zoology related basics info-chart.
5. About the history of Pilani and Birla family.

Apart from this, the student also able to get an overview of advanced physics research laboratory
at BITS-Pilani by seeing the instruments like AFM, SEM, XRD etc. They also visited the
SARASWATI TEMPLE and SHIV GANGA. The trip was attended by 14 student and two
faculty members.

Reported by: Ms. Vishakha Choudhary, VP-MUOSASC