DST Sanctioned Two Projects to MCA Final Year Students

dst bg DST Sanctioned Two Projects to MCA Final Year Students

Department of Science and Technology

Sponsored Projects to Six MCA Students


Title: Camera Initiated Currency Acceptance and Validator (CICA Validator) dst 2 DST Sanctioned Two Projects to MCA Final Year Students
Duration : One Year
Students: Ms. Rasana Chejara, Ms. Vandana Jangir, Ms. Vandana Vedi
 DST Sanctioned Two Projects to MCA Final Year Students Title: Public Area Large Transport Flip through Security by Information and Intimation System (PALTSIIS)
Duration : One Year
Students: Ms. Abhilasha Jain, Ms. Ashwini Jain, Ms. Swati Sharma

Under The Guidance of Mr. P.K Bishnoi and Dr. A.K Sharma

MCA Department of CET , Mody University , had submitted three projects under student’s project scheme 2014-15 of Department of Science & Technology Rajasthan Jaipur. Recently, DST announced the results and
two of MCA students projects have been sanctioned . The details of the projects are as follows :

1. Title: Camera Initiated Currency Acceptance and Validator (CICA
Duration: One Year
Name of the students:  Ms. Rasana Chejara, Ms. Vandana Jangir, Ms.
Vandana Vedi

2. Title: Public Area Large Transport Flip through Security by Information
and Intimation System (PALTSIIS)
Duration: One Year
Name of the students:  Ms. Abhilasha Jain, Ms. Ashwini Jain, Ms. Swati Sharma

Name of the Supervisor’s:  Dr. A. K. Sharma and Mr. P. K. Bishnoi

Congrats to all our students and their supervisors for the achievement. We wish them success in their respective projects.

The following link can also be used to see the results of the sanctioned projects: http://dst.rajasthan.gov.in/images/SP_result_2014-15.pdf