Student of Mody University Science and Technology show again that they are experts in every field, from the field of machines to the world of colours and words. This University is a work-house of talented and meritorious students and future leaders, it proved it again.
Faculty of Engineering and Technology student Emon Kalyan Dutta took a peek into the human mind which is affected psychologically by society, and portrayed it on papers through words. ‘Mirror Of Muse’, an excellent narrative of two novelettes which probe deep into sequence of often neglected psychological effects induced by events in our society. She considers that teenage is full of life, endless curiosity and vitality. A picturesque depiction of this time works as the heart and soul of this book. When the young age is taking help of ‘Imbuing Vines’ and ‘Flaming Compatriot’ to suppress their emotions, a young student wants to motivate people towards creative world.
Mody University students always prove their excellence in every field; whether its education or sports or creative uses of arts. They groom the students in such ways, that they can explore their talents in every possible ways. Lessons from best teachers and high technological equipments help them in their education theoretically. Apart from that, this University helps the students to experience the subject practically, by visiting various places and conducting programmes and events. They go to educational and industrial tours, they organize events to explore more into the subject. This University brushes up each and every student and help them to explore their talents. Faculty members always encourage the students to explore more. Mody University promises you that, you will get best guidance which will show you the right path toward success.
Students like Emon, by a beautiful creative work, shows that Mody University is the best place to .