To become a successful professional you need to get introduced with the industry, to explore your practical knowledge. While you may be considering an unpaid internship or typical summer job, a competitive, paid fellowship could introduce you to a new career path, teach you a new skill or even fund a summer abroad. MBA (Tech) CSE of Mody University of Science and Technology student Divyanti Chauhan has been selected by GSI, Germany for Summer Fellowship. The company will carry her expenses of air fare, board and lodging.
This year it was a tough competition. A large number of applications were submitted for the fellowship. In spite of all, Mody University student managed to enlisted her name among the few candidates who are going to explore the world for the next few weeks.
Mody University always indulges the students to explore their knowledge and encourages them to become internationally acknowledged. They provides world class education to the students. The University’s library is furnished with resourceful books from all over the world, which help them to enrich their knowledge globally. Advance technological equipment and 24*7 internet facility help them to connect with the outer world, where they can research online thoroughly and get a wide idea about any subject of interest. This University helps students to become more educated and eligible from others, Divyanti Chauhan proves this again by becoming one of the international acknowledged students.
This internship will turn into a lifetime experience for students like Divyanti. The experience which she will get during this period will help her to achieve success in future and it can be helpful and inspiring for other students too.